After much thought, deliberation and research, I have come up with the following list of top ten books one should read.
1.The Da Vinci Code,Dan Brown: Undoubtedly, it is the book to have. Filled with history, mystery, conspiracy
and adventure. It tells the story of a Harvard symbologist who, after being called on the scene of a murder finds himself in the midst of a battle going on for centuries.a battle to protect the identity of Christ's long lost children and their secret.
2.How Opal Mehta got kissed, got wild and got a life,Kavya Vishwanathan.Although the book has been drowned among allegations of plagiarism, it is still a must read. The story of an Indian-American girl who changes herself into an American teen all to get into Harvard.Noticeable are excerpts from princess Diries,Birn Confused, sloppy's first and second helpings.
The rule of Four,
Ian Caldwell and
Dustin Thomason: A must read for all historical books buff.
A story set with a person's obsession with the
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili., a book of pictures which has remained a mystery for ages with many conspiracy theorists claiming that it holds within itself a dark secret.Hypnerotomachia in itself is an enigma wherein it has been written in many languages, symbols and secret codes which have not yet been deciphered.
4.Kane and Abel,Jeffrey Archer: From the best ever fiction writers, this book is a legacy.Following the story of two character Abel Rosnowski and William Kane, different backgrounds yet a similar fate. The book is a memoir, a novel and a legend.A definite must read.
5.Deception Point,Dan Brown: Another book by the master of thrillers, it tells of the deception of a high profile US office.A meteor with alien species has been found and it comes upon four scientists to authenticate it or was it all a big deception?
6.Star,Danielle Steele:the mistress of drams writes the story of Crystal, a beautiful girl born in a poor family.he unearthly beauty gains her much recognition, sometimes to her advantage and sometimes not.her life is laid bare for readers as they follow her falls and triumphs in Hollywood and her love story with her brother's friend.
7.Along Came a Spider,James Patterson: A kidnapping rocks a small town when it becomes apparent that the young children's teacher is the kidnapper. He shoots openly at a restaurant and psychologists deem him to be mentally unstable but he claims to be the kidnapper of the famous Lindbergh baby.Is he telling the truth?
8.Out of the Blue,Belinda Jones: Selena takes an impromptu trip to the Greek island of Crete with her unwanted suitor Alekos after he breaks his hand.Love blossoms on the romantic Greek islands but trouble is not far away. The description of Greece and its mythology give the book an edge as does Belinda Jones satirical writing and subtle jokes.
9.Marker,Robin Cook:From the world's best medical writers, this book is a must read.It follows the story of two
New York medical examiners and a serial killer on the lookout for victims with a potential gene malfunction.
10.Destination Unknown,Agatha Christie: One of the finest works from her.It is a story of murder, suicide, espionage and a deception so large that it could destroy the government.
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