After the happy chaos of reunion and the joy of family, me and my sister were left alone at with our grandparents with everyone retreating back to their own homes. With just one laptop/television/e-book reader/music player, the days became a dreaded drudgery.Normally we would go outside to pass our time, but Delhi heat took care of that.So confined to our air conditioned bedrooms every afternoon, we felt hungry all the time.
Citing self proclaimed expertise in microwave popcorn cooking (although where cooking comes into play, I fail ti understand), my sister took to making a packet of popcorns everyday.and it was a big pack, meant for four instead of two.But we devoured it, day after day.
After a week of chomping through the same monotonous flavour of popcorns, my sister handed the baton of cooking to me and I ventured into the fine art of popcorn cooking.I carefully read the instructions(apparently, different brands and flavours have different cooking time, I realised after inhaling a lot of burnt popcorn air).I set the timer on the microwave and waited.Three minutes later, I opened the packet to another batch of burnt popcorns, this time they had turned a shade of auburn.
This ended my microwave popcorn cooking expedition with my sister taking full control of things. So now, to pep up the taste, we assort it with a bottle of coke or add some spices.And every afternoon, we sit in front of the laptop, watching bones or friends and munching on these corns.
cool life hai!!!