I write this post in English because it is the best language
I know how to write with. I am an Indian with Punjabi roots and yet I cannot
read or write properly in Hindi and I cannot even speak Punjabi. I am colonised
still, even after 66 years of Independence.
But I am not alone.
Almost everyone I
know is like me. They are proud of the fact that they can converse fluently in
English, write better English than many Englishmen and know little or no Hindi.
And we have people commenting on someone’s lack of English
speaking skills, categorising them as “gavar” or judging someone just because
he cannot string two words of English together and then going on to enunciate
complex sentences in an attempt to appear all high and mighty.
This westernisation of our culture has seeped in so deep
that now it is difficult to actually p0oint out where it all started and what
exactly is wrong. Our politicians in the parliament( if you have been
unfortunate enough to watch the Lok Sabha channel) argue in “English”, our
cases in the court are argued in “English”, “English” news channels are the
ones most watched( maybe not statistically but no one will say they like
watching a Hindi news channel), the subscription of Hindi newspapers and
periodicals is at an all time low and despite the fact that Hindi is our mother
tongue, we are increasingly more adept at English than Hindi.
In countries where English is not their native language, it
actually IS their second language and that does not deter them from achieving
anything in the world. Italians are proud of their language and you can hear so
many different dialects of it, Spanish speaking nations uphold their language
in the highest terms as do the French and the Germans and the Bulgarians and
the Arabians. They don’t care whether you understand them or not, get a
translator if you can’t or learn their language. In UN meetings they speak in
their own language while we, as a Hindi speaking nation speak in English.
We are so proud of the fact that we have one of the largest
English speaking populations of the world but what about Hindi? We know all the
letters of the English alphabets; they are on our tips but what about Hindi
Akshar? We can easily count in English but do we know the whole Hindi Ginti?
We are divided into states based on their language yet we
expect a Tamilian or a Gujarati to know Hindi because it is the official
language. What about their native language? Why not encourage that? There is a
human development index which ranks countries on the number of ethnic groups
they have and India comes a close second yet we are not proud of it. We expect
our population to be a linear one where everything we do is westernised. What
about our own culture? Why do we frown upon a girl wearing Salwar kameez and
appreciate the one in Palazzo Pants?
We talk of western ideas of feminism and an open culture but
have we ever bothered to even scrape the surface of our own culture to know
that these ideas have always been engraved in us? Did you know that until the Muslim
invasion started in India, the women wore no dupatta, not even to cover their
heads? Just one example of the kind of society we had.
I think I reached rock bottom when the other day I saw a Hindi
book in my friend’s house and it was upright and I couldn’t read the title
without tilting my head.
And that’s why I write this post in English. Not very proud
of it.